Samikitno - Tbilisi, Грузия

1 Отзыв
Название компании
77 Kostava St, Tbilisi, Грузия
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Dear Manager,
I am a fan of your Restaurant and i ate almost in every branch you have, but last time i had a very bad experience in the branch in this address,Kostava 77 Tbilisi.

I order different kind of dishes, all was good except a dish of spoiled chicken barbecue, it was smelly with the specific taste of spoiled meat. i politely claim to the waitress but the manager or another waitress (man) has ignored my claim and rejected to solve the issue and offered me to return the dish to me after he said that they all have tried it in the kitchen.

This was unprofessional and i am highly offended.

and I didn't only had to pay for the spoiled food dish but i have also received 2 kind of check to pay, one was printed by cash machine and the second was hand written ????? and i don't understand the different between the 2 different prices in each check.

I look for your wise management department to take my claim in consideration.

I was there on 21.06.16 between 7 - 8 PM.

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