Dental Clinic Healthy Dent - Tbilisi, Грузия
Dental Clinic Healthy Dent
3 Отзывы
Dental Clinic Healthy DentSulkhan-Saba st 9995 32 2997773
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Название компании
Dental Clinic Healthy Dent
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Рабочее время
- Понедельник: Closed
- Вторник: 11.00 19.00
- Среда: 11.00 19.00
- Четверг: 11.00 19.00
- Пятница: 11.00 19.00
- Суббота: 11.00 19.00
- Воскресенье: Closed
Год создания
11-15Регистрационный код
404855153Адрес электронной почты
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products_services 3
- Dental CrownsGuaranteed for 5 years.When teeth are seriously damaged, bro...
- Dental implantA dental implant is an screw made of titanium that is placed...
- Dental VeneersVeneers are placed to mask discolorations, to brighten teeth...
Сотрудники 4
Maia Mumladze
Chief doctor of the clinic Prosthodontist, General Dentist , Cosmetic Dentist , Restorative Dentist+995 32 2997773
Nino Vashakidze
General Dentist , Endodontist , Cosmetic Dentist,+995 32 2997773
Tea Tsinkverashvili
Prosthodontist General Dentist Cosmetic Dentist Restorative Dentist+995 32 2997773
Dental Clinic Healthy DentSulkhan-Saba st 9995 32 2997773
Best dental clinic in Tbilisi
This is a great place to go take care of your teeth. The team was very professional examining and providing solutions by priority. I had to do dental veneers and the team did a great job, I felt that I was in good hands. All the people here were very gentle and kind to me. They explained very well what was going on. Thanks to Healthy dent!
Dental Clinic Healthy DentSulkhan-Saba st 9995 32 2997773
One of the best dental clinic in Georgia. The clinic is staffed by excellent professionals.
Dental Clinic Healthy DentSulkhan-Saba st 9995 32 2997773
Many thanks to all the staff
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